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A knocking at the Door

Suddenly, you hear the front door creak open. Phew – you can finally get some sleep! You call out to your mom, hoping she’d locked the door so you don’t have to go downstairs. She doesn’t respond, but it’s nothing too unusual; her hearing been a bit dodgy recently, probably due to her new bitch of a boss. She shuffles into the kitchen and you return your gaze back to the screen of your laptop. True, you need to sleep as soon as possible, but there were a few things to do first….

As you refresh your news feed for the tenth time, you spot something on the screen. No, not on the screen; reflected onto it. Something in the window behind you. You whip round, but there isn’t anything out there in the darkness. Hmm. It’s probably nothing, just a bug or whatever. You turn back to Facebook and pick up the latest on some giant argument between some popular kids. 

You refresh to keep up with the stream of new comments (everyone’s always up until like three in the holidays), when all of a sudden, you lose connection. Dumb fucking router. It always cuts you off at random moments – you make a mental note to remind your mum, who’s fiddling around in the kitchen, to buy a new one. You get up, walk out your room and thump down the stairs, disgruntled. You walk into the living room and crouch down next to the main computer to restart the router. Strange, the lights on it are all off, as if it’s been unplugged. Whatever. As you go to turn it on, the phone on the desk begins to ring. You stand up, narrowly missing the edge of the table and pick it up.

“Hey sweetie! I’m so so so so sorry, the train’s been late again, ugh. I’ll be home in a bit, I’m sorry I’m making you wait up for me, it’s just that-” 

The line goes dead.
